Talking about healthy growth: conversations with parents about childrens weight and growth

Develop the skills required to have productive, non-judgemental discussions about weight and growth.

This course discusses techniques to support health professionals who engage in discussions with parents about children’s weight and growth.

Who this course is for…

This self-paced, online course is for health and community professionals who work with families of children, to help develop the skills required to have a productive, non-judgemental discussion about children’s weight and growth with parents and carers.

What you will learn…

  • Casues, consequences and prevelence of obesity
  • Assessing weight status and growth
  • The importance of language when discussing weight
  • Motivational interviewing techniques for clinicans
  • Core skills
  • Referral options

Topics include…

Understanding childhood obesity, talking about children’s weight status and growth with parents and helpful conversations. This course includes pre and post training knowledge checks to solidify understanding.

Please note: You will have access to this course for a period of 6-months, after this time your registration will expire. Please contact if you require assitance after this time, please note: a re-registration fee may apply.

WA Health professionals: Please contact to gain access to this course

Not Enroled
or $270

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 2 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate