Mindful eating: tips and tricks

Learn how to engage your five senses at mealtimes to eat more mindfully.

Do you want to work towards having a healthier relationship with food? Mindful eating is a good place to start. Explore what it means to eat mindfully and how to do it in this short 10–minute session. This session is full of mindful eating tips and tricks to start eating mindfully, including a step-by-step mindful eating experiment you can follow at home!

Who is this for?

This session is suitable for anyone eager to become a mindful eater! It’s a fun, interactive learning session for all ages, including kids and families.

You will learn:

  • What mindful eating is.
  • How to engage your five senses in a step-by-step mindful eating experiment
  • Simple ways to eat more mindfully and pay attention to the food your eating.

Who developed this session?

This session has been developed and validated by Better Health Company’s team of health professionals, including psychologists, dietitians, and exercise professionals. Their collective expertise ensures that the content is evidence-based, and practical to implement.

What can you do next?

We provide health education for everyone, from health professionals to kids and families. All of our online courses are easy to access and interactive! Browse our suite of online courses for different learners: access here.

We have over 15 years of experience providing health education and training to over 100,000 Australians. We are driven by the belief that everyone should have access to better health. So, we created the Better Health Hub. It is a home of trustworthy, evidence-based information and resources for all. 

Course Content

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson