Finding it challenging to prioritise health amongst your busy schedule?

Finding it challenging to prioritise health amongst your busy schedule?

Maintaining a well-balanced diet in today’s day can be challenging, especially for those with busy schedules.

However, with planning and mindful practices, it’s possible to prioritise nutrition without compromising time.

Here are 5 tips you can try to prioritise health during busy times

  1. Meal preparation: Plan and prepare meals ahead of time. This may include: grocery lists, pre-cutting vegetables and precooking meals.
  2. Nutrient-rich choices: Opt for accessible yet nutrient-dense options such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and lean protein sources. Fresh fruit and vegetables usually require minimal preparation so these are great choices and pairing this with a lean protein source will ensure you’re feeling fuller for longer.
  3. Strategic snacking: Maintain a supply of convenient healthy snacks. This may include: fresh fruits, greek yoghurt, nuts, and vegetables with hummus. In addition, it may be helpful to remove the temptation of discretionary snacks from the pantry or from eyesight, as this can make it more difficult to opt for a healthier snack.
  4. Hydration: Ensure adequate water consumption throughout the day to sustain optimal energy levels and cognitive function, which can be easily forgotten for those with busy schedules. Drink bottles and phone app reminders can be helpful when trying to increase water intake.
  5. Back-up plan meal: When something unexpected comes up it may leave you even shorter for time. One helpful way is having a backup plan! This may look like a frozen meal, tuna ready-made salad and rice or even eggs on toast with vegetables.

We’ve also got a bunch of resources to support you in making mealtimes easier and better for your health!

Yummy, nutritious and QUICK recipes

Mealtime and health goal helpers 

FREE factsheets and guides 

Courses for health learning 

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