I’m a health professional, what can I learn from health coaching?

Explore how health coaching techniques can enhance your effectiveness as a healthcare provider.

Explore how health coaching strategies can help you empower your clients to develop the skills and resilience needed to autonomously manage their health and navigate the complexities of the healthcare system. Gain valuable insights into health coaching strategies and how it can elevate your practice.

Who is this for?

This short session is designed for health or community professionals interested in learning more about health coaching.


  • This session includes a video of Health Psychologist and industry leader, Sarah Lukeis talking about why health coaching is such an important skill for all health workers to learn.

Join our Accredited Health Coaching Course

To master the skill of health coaching and provide better support to your clients.

What can you do next?

We provide health education for everyone, from health professionals to kids and families. All of our online courses are easy to access and interactive! Browse our suite of online courses for different learners: access here.

We have over 15 years of experience providing health education and training to over 100,000 Australians. We are driven by the belief that everyone should have access to better health. So, we created the Better Health Hub. It is a home of trustworthy, evidence-based information and resources for all.

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Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson